5th week of pregnancy

The 5th Week of Pregnancy: Symptoms, Baby Development, Tips

Hurray! you are pregnant. During the 5th week of Pregnancy, most people find out they are pregnant since we missed our period. Knowing that it was an unexpected one may cause pain for certain couples, while for others, it has been a long-term manifestation. Here this post comprises all details regarding changes in your body, baby development, changes in baby,  How to make your journey better, pregnancy symptoms of week 5, and lastly tips for you this week.

There are a total of 40 weeks of pregnancy. The first week and your due date are counted from the first day of your last menstrual period (LMP). There are three trimesters each of which includes 13-14 weeks. So you have entered the 2nd month and in the first trimester. For more info click here

Once you find that you have conceived you need to visit an Obstetrician that will surely prescribe you for hCG Test as the level of hCG which is the pregnancy announcer hormone will be high in your urine

At this point, you may feel exhausted and tired because of the hormonal imbalance. Taking a rest is recommended at this time as your body is adjusted to certain changes so it needs time. Eating a balanced meal can provide you with a sort of energy which is essential during 5th week of pregnancy and so on.

Morning sickness is another very prominent thing in 50% of the pregnant crowd. It may start at 6 weeks and may persist for the first three months or in some it can go along with the pregnancy. Morning sickness can be experienced at any time of the day like morning, evening or in the worst scenario it may persist throughout the day. There is nothing to be worried about and is not harmful to the developing fetus. But if you experiencing reoccurring vomiting You need to consult your Obs right away.

Breast Soreness and Tenderness are other signs that you will experience. this can be a little uncomfortable for you. According to the American Pregnancy Society to increase in hormones, blood flow and fluid retention makes your breast feel swollen, sore and hypersensitive to touch. Buying a supportive bra can help you with this.

There are a few other symptoms that you can expect too:

On your 5th week of pregnancy, your embryo is the size of apple seed at week 5th. Cells of the developing embryo separate out into three layers.

the outer layer is called the Ectoderm which is helpful in making the nervous system. The cells of the outer layers develop a groove and fold to form a hollow tube called a Neural tube which will become your baby’s brain and spinal cord.

The middle layer is mesoderm which eventually forms your baby’s heart and blood vessels. The umbilical cord is made from these strings of blood vessels. At the end of 4th week the heart of the embryo begins

the innermost layer, the endoderm will make your baby’s lungs, intestine and kidneys.

Structures that will become ear and eye are developing.

Your babies are start forming neural tube which will develop into brain and spinal cord. Other organs and systems also start forming like the intestine, kidney, liver, blood vessels, and heart.

Choose your healthcare provider who can guide you in this journey.

Take your prenatal vitamins like Folid Acid

Consider a pregnancy tracker app

Limit your caffeine intake

Take some exercise precautions

Book Antenatal classes

Stick to balanced diet

Stay away from raw and uncooked food products

Start making your Birth Plan

Also Read: Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy

Also Read: Pregnancy Shopping List

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